Inquiry Details
Please fill out followings and send these sheets to Korea Neturen Co., Ltd.
1. Customer name
Tel. No. - -
Fax. No. - -
Person in charge
Email @
2. Process
  (Other : )
3. Workpieces to be Processed
No. of Kinds
Material  ()
4. Operating conditions & Cycle time
() Hrs/Day ¡¿ () Days/Month ¡¿ ()Mon/Yr=()Hrs/Yr
Required cycle time
Or required quantity
5. Utilities available
Electricity volt, phase, kVA
Water pH, liter/min
Air kgf/cm2, NL/min
6. Time schedule
Order Point month year(2012)
Installation start month year(2012)
Production start month year(2012)
     7. Any experience in induction heating       
If yes : Process
If yes : Workpieces
If yes : Mfr. of Induction heating equipment
8. Terms of payment  ()
9. Automation
work loading
work unloading
10. Installation layout
11. Workpiece drawings No. of drawings : ()copies (Please attach the drawings)
12. Agent
Company name
Tel. No. - -
Fax. No. - -
Person in charge
13. Remark
Spam code
  Must enter the characters shown on the left.